Attack in Space


space bar: skip text scene

wasd or arrow keys: movement

left mouse or space : shooting

keys 1, 2 and 3: switch between weapons

1: single shot (uses 1 ammunition)

2: lasershot (uses energy)

3: triple shot (uses 3 ammunition)

Fonts: Symtext, Starjedi, AGA-Rasheeq


Star Wars Cantina by Niceaux

Star Wars Main Theme 8-bit (+extras) by Darth Vesta

Orbz by jocopa3

The Enlightenment by jocopa3

Lol U Died by Diabolo-ical

This game was made by Gama and Tzoop.

The graphics have been created with Photoshop tools by Gama.

speaker symbol by Delapouite

This game and the game logic was made using Unity3D and C#.

The sounds were created with bfxr.

The graphics were created with Photoshop tools.

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